Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Plexus is dfferent!

We have taken all the crazy out of having a side business that will fit into your busy life. Here are a few things that makes Plexus so different.

It's hilarious how people 👱🏻think network marketing is a pyramid  scheme. I work I get paid same as you. Here are some great tips to know about Plexus: 


P-L-E-X-U-S IS WHERE IT'S AT!!!!! If you are joining making sure you know the facts and get signed up with someone who can help you grow your business.

There are so many MLM's out there, right? You may be asking yourself what is different about us than about them?!?! Let's go over what separates our (plexus) Compensation Plan from others?

No inventory! Hallelujah. We aren't forced to have parties or make a huge monthly purchase!

11 ways to make money allows you to work your business several different ways to find what is best for YOU! You can get strictly customers for a bigger upfront income. You can strictly build a team for a bigger long term, residual income that grows and builds. Or you can take advantage of both customers and ambassadors, getting that bigger upfront income AND the long term residual income! Plus, I love that each of our team members do not have to be business focused! We have a place for wholesale ambassadors, people that just want to get their products paid for, and people that want to work the business!

Get paid in MONEY, not products!!!! You guys! It is so important that we get paid in $$$ and not products. If we want to spend our money on more products, then we can make that decision ourselves!!!!

Profit sharing option from your first day!!!! Plexus redistributes HALF of its monthly profits back to the ambassadors!

🗓 Opportunity to earn weekly and monthly checks!

Earn points and income for SEVEN levels! So it isn't just about who you know, but it's about who you know, who they know, who they know, who they know, who they know, who they know, and who they know!!!!!!!! That's a lot of people!

You KEEP your leaders. Did you know that with some other companies you actually lose your leaders and their teams when they hit a certain rank? How disappointing! I can't imagine what a horrible team culture that breeds. With Plexus you get to keep your leaders, empower them, work with them, and be true business PARTNERS with them!

Low buy in! It costs hundreds or thousands or dollars to join most companies. It's only $34.95 to join Plexus & they have the opportunity to buy a Welcome Pack (includes product) at even lower than wholesale price (about $125 CAD)

*** I have 2 promocodes for FREE membership**

No territories. Did you know that some people can ONLY sell to people who live in a certain mile radius of them? Ludicrous!!! Who do you know in Canada, United States, Australia and New Zealand?

NOT a Binary plan. (Binary plans are where you build from 2 levels and only paid on where it's even. Example... one level has 60,000 of sales and one level has 10,000 in sales. Only paid on 10,000 because that's where it's even.) With Plexus you are paid on unlimited legs, 7 levels deep without them all having to have x amount of value each.

Your spouse can join under you, allowing you to work the business together & to increase your income!!!!!! Your business can also be willed to your children!

No team volume quotas

You can pass your sponsor in rank!

When you reach the top you can re-enter under yourself, earn on both legs, and go back to the top all over again!!!

15-25% commission!!!!! Even on your own products
Consumable products that people need to purchase monthly! This is HUGE!

Our products change LIVES, transform health. We see Plexus babies, fewer Doctor visits, better health, fewer medications, more energy (#1 health crisis in America) & it helps us fit in our jeans. This isn't a fad. It isn't something that is going away. Plexus is here to stay and will continue to gain new products with major impact!

Opportunity to earn MAJOR income! I often hear of top leaders in other companies making $25-50k a year, and it makes me giggle. Don't get me wrong, that is good money, but Plexus offers SO MUCH more than that! Our top leaders are making $100-400k a year on AVERAGE, and there are lots of them making that amount. (I even know someone making over $200k a MONTH with Plexus!!!!!!!!! 😮) Many people earn GREAT money (life changing amounts) even as a brand new or Silver ambassador!!!!

Send me an email or find me on facebook for more info!

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