Sunday, March 11, 2018

Are you planning your summer vacation?

As I look outside and see it snowing for the 4th day in a row I start dreaming about summer!! I see a lot of people are starting to plan their summer vacations now. We are too! I started thinking about our amazing vacation to PEI last year and all the amazing sites we seen. We really just vegged out and enjoyed our time away. We went for 5 days and it was the best.

We went with some friends and their kids but jst my hubby and I went with them. To be honest we really missed the boys but we really needed time away just to relax and mentally get ready for a busy school year. We went from one end of the Island to the other and stopped at every Cows store along the way!

Our first stop was the Moncton Airport to see my mom she had flown in from Alberta and so I had to stop in and see her it was a few months since I had. Then we were on the road! We arrived in PEI and our first stop on the Island was of course at Gateway Village.. and my first of many Cows Ice Cream. I only get to have this stuff once a year and so I make sure I get as much as I possibly can!

We arrived at our cottage we had rented for the week. I am not quite sure who owns it but the house was located in New Haven. Here is the link. It was an amazing spot to stay! It had a huge Master bed room with a bathroom. The living room and kitchen were huge. They had a hot tub and a huge yard off the kitchen. Up stairs there were 2 bedrooms and a bathroom. Then there was a games room with a pull out couch if you wanted to stay in there too. Here is a video I took of the place we stayed. It was in the middle from the Bridge to Charlottetown. We really liked at the end of the road there was a gas station that had a grocery store in it. I am pretty sure we stopped there every time we went buy. And we bought most of our groceries there.

One place that we found by accident the year before was Pizza Delight in Charlottetown. It was in an old jail house. We really loved the atmosphere there. The staff were amazing and went out of their way to help us. This was our 3rd visit there in the last year.

On our first full day on the Island my hubby and I decided just to take off. There were so many places we wanted to see and check out. Our first stop was Victoria by the Sea. What a gorgeous spot. Its a little town and you walk through it and almost every house is a business. There were little restaurants, gift shops, you can go kayaking. So much to do. Check out the website here
After visiting this sweet little village I made the suggestion to go to Summerside it had been awhile since I had been there. As we were driving to Summerside my husband mentioned that he heard that there was a light house at the end of the Island. So we just decided to keep going. Along the way there were lots of little places to stop. I found most of the little villages and towns were Acadian. We did stop at this one little town I forget where and we went into the gas station and they had pop in glass bottles. I remember growing up and heading to PEI and they always had pop in glass bottles. Now you don't find that as much. Plus we are not huge pop drinkers but something felt like we should be drinking pop in bottles when in PEI. 

After driving for a while and almost ending up in the woods in PEI we finally arrived to North Cape Lighthouse. Its the furthest point west you can get in PEI. If you got in a boat and went west you would end up in NB. It was such a gorgeous site to see. There is also a windmill farm there. If you go into the interpretive centre there you can learn all about the windmills and go into pieces of one. It was sooo cool! It is quite the drive from Summerside but worth it and there are lots of little places to stop and see. 

So since we had accomplished all that by lunch time. We thought hey why not go to the other part of the Island. So we headed to the other side of the Island. There was something cool we found along the way. It was called the Singing the sand. We headed to Basin Head PEI. They have a provincial park there with a beach. And unlike the rest of the Sand in PEI this sand was white. And when you walked on it.. it sang or squeaked! It was the coolest thing ever! Click on this link and it will take you to the Basin Head website

That was just day one! There is just so much to see in PEI. We had 5 jammed packed days! 
On day 2 we headed to the fabulous Charlottetown. It was crazy busy. But you see this year Canada celebrated their 150th Birthday and thats where Canada started. So everyone wanted to go there. We did some sight seeing. We went to Cows of course, the Freak Lunchbox and Cool as a Moose. I loved the Freak Lunchbox because they had every candy that you could think of!! Even candy from when we were kids. 

Then we finished the day off with another favorite spot... Boom Burger!Its my favorite burger spot in PEI. I love that they use local beef, cheese and butter are from Cows and the fries are fresh cut PEI Potatoes. Its in Charolottetown at the Cows Creamery. I love that you can choose what you want on your burger! It tastes so good.. my mouth is already watering!! 

We always love taking a day and heading to Kensington. We go in the summer but we love going to the Haunted House at Halloween. We have gone the last 2 Halloweens. The first time I went I was a little scared I am not going to lie. But they do an amazing job setting things up. My favorite part is in the backyard in the garden. I also love that they have a small farm, amusement rides, and a train that goes around the property. The difference between going in the summer and the fall is that they have real people acting. One year we got chased by a clown. When you enter the house there is a the "Inn Keeper" that meets you and sets the stage for how your visit will go. Each room and each floor has a different theme. Go in the summer or the fall either way you will have a great time!

another cool place that I have driven by many times when I was little and even when I was an adult. But I never stopped in This the Car Life Museum in Bonshaw. . This year we did. I am so glad we did. It was so cool to see one of the first cars ever made and how cars and transportation has changed over the years. We had a great time learning about so many old cars and seeing cars from different times. There is even Elvis' Pink Cadillac there. It was a really cool spot and if you are a car lover that is the place for you to go! 

Of course we took one day and went to Cavendish. You can't go to PEI without heading to Cavendish!! Our favorite spot of course is the Boardwalk. We took sometime there and checked out a few shops. Of course I had to go Cows Ice Cream ( I told you I stopped at every one!) and I even had a Beaver tale. Those are so good! While in Cavendish we headed to Avonlea Village I remember going there a few years ago and it was right out the Anne of Green Gables books but now its a bunch of little shops.  There was a donuts shop, a baked potatoes place (you go in and order a baked potatoe with a bunch of different toppings) and a place called MOO MOO Cheese (you choose different grilled cheese sandwiches made from cows cheese and butter)  We ate at Moo Moo Cheese. I had a turkey dinner grilled cheese and my hubby had pulled pork and mac and cheese. I can't wait to go back to this place! There were a few other little shops too that we checked out. 

Also last summer the guys wanted to go to some sort of races event. So they googles this event and well we ended up in this pit. There was races cars of every shape an form everywhere. Suddenly I felt like I was at Mudfest only it was dry!! This happens every labour day weekend. We are already planning to go this year. Check out this link  You have to watch the link to check it out. 

There are so many wonderful places to check out in PEI. These are just a few different places that we found along the way. If you are going to PEI def check out the PEI Tourism packages. They have some awesome packages available for families. We are excited to be heading back in Summer of 2018 with the Kids. We have so much we want to show them!

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