Saturday, March 31, 2018

Network Marketing Tips ~ Posting on Facebook

Here are some tips to help you when posting your network marketing business on Facebook.

1. Have a good audience ~ If you only have 200-500 people on your Facebook that is a very small percent of people on Facebook. You need to expand your friends list. You can have up to 5000 friends on Facebook. Some say you should add 5 people every day. I say about 5 people every week. That way you dont seem like you are bombarding so many people on Facebook.

2. Divide your posts into 3 sections:
      a) Post about your products, business, testimonials whatever you think you should post about your business
     b) Post something with value: whether its a motivation quote, something funny, sharing a recipe anything like that. People LOVE that stuff
    c) Interactive posts: Ask questions, ask questions oh yeah ask questions.. and be sly about it. People love talking about themselves or stories that they have. For example one day I posted about eating an avocado for the first time and needed to know what to do with it. I have over 100 comments on that post.

3. Always Always.. I mean ALWAYS be positive. Go and delete all those negative posts! Get rid of them!!

4. Don't post about politics or controversial posts. everyone has their own opinion and its just opening a can of worms

5. So if you have interactive posts and a lot of people comment on them you will get brownie points with Facebook and they will show your stuff to more people. Facebook only shows about 1/2 the posts that people actually have on facebook.

6. Posting time: According to people who study Facebook they say you should post 3 times a day. In the morning, around lunch time and in the evening. IF you post something too late or too early and you have no comments on it or likes then try and repost it later. People may not have seen it. Also if you post for the second time and still nothing then just get rid of that post.

7. When people comment on your post make sure you like it or comment on it also. Facebook likes when you do that and people will see your posts more

8. Call 2 Action ~ this kind of goes to the ask questions. Try really hard to leave every post with a question and it will get people talking and again more people will see your post.

9. You have to comment back: Take 5 mins go through your facebook and like and comment on anything and everything. Give people a reminder that you are still alive. DO NOT post on drama you are just feeding into that. Scroll right past it. Each morning I get up and I say Happy Birthday or Anniversary to people, encourage people that are going through something or doing something like an exam or a test or a job interview. Just stay away from the drama!!!

10. Be goofy, Be funny be yourself!!

11. Every once in a while sprinkle some family and friends photos around. or whatever you are doing. Whether its planting flowers, or you made a craft, got a special gift.

12. Make your profile public. A lot of people their Facebook is private and no one else can see their facebook posts.

13. I think I said this before but its really important.. clean out the negativity and drama from your facebook. Your facebook page is your Brand!!

14. Be true, be genuine, own your quirks!! When people click on your Facebook they want to see you! Start branding yourself. I show that I like to cook, I like bath bombs, I like inspiration quotes, I am a dog mom. BE YOURSELF!

15. Add value to your page ~ post motivation quotes. I post a motivation quote every morning!

16. Share things that you like. One day I shared that I loved these dishwasher tabs. I have 200 likes and tons of comments. It was months ago and people are still messaging about them.

17. Plant seeds.. what you do today will change tomorrow. You can do this!

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