Sunday, June 3, 2018

Hamburger Soup

Its been a week since I was told the news that I was a diabetic. Its slowly sinking in that this is my new normal. But in a week my sugars have gone from a very scary high to almost normal. My doctor said that she wanted to see me every 2 weeks until my sugars were normal. I guess I will only get one visit with her! I have given myself a strict routine and a even stricter meal plan. Its been a busy week so I have been eating salads and salads and more salads. But I eat some pretty good amazing food! I am learning to read labels and read ingredients. 

It hasnt been easy. I have melt downs. Many melt downs. Like this weekend I am in Moncton and I want so many different foods that I can't have. But thats ok.. I get to try other things. I have sad in the car and cried because I really want a Wendy's Baconator, a poutine, and  frosty. But as much as I want it I think about my sugars and my waistline! My medicine is still working its self out in my body and that hasn't been easy either. I have been in so much pain and sometimes I want to cry but I know its doing its job and helping me get better. 

Its only been a week and I feel like I have conquered my Goliath but I know that it takes 21 days for habit to become a lifestyle. Its just the beginning but I can do this. 

The other day I was in charge of supper at my moms. She usually does the cooking for me so it was nice to cook for her for a change. I had no idea what to make. I was craving hamburger and thought I could make this. It was delish! 

Super Easy Hamburger Soup

1 lb of ground beef cooked (you can use turkey or chicken to if you wanted)
1 onion chopped
1 can Heinz tomato soup
1 box of beef stock
3/4 cup whole wheat macaroni 
1 cup frozen veggies
salt and pepper to taste

1. Cook ground beef and put in chopped onion. Drain 

2. in a sauce pan add soup and stock together. 
3. then add ground beef and frozen veggies
4. bring to a boil 
5. then add macaroni right before you are ready to serve and cook until almost tender

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