Sunday, June 17, 2018

Diabetic Broccoli Salad

Its been almost a month since I have started my "new normal" and its been quite the journey. I use to love grocery shopping and now I dread it because I am constantly  reading labels and trying to guess if its something I can eat. So if you see me in the grocery store crying you know why! I had a melt down at walmart the other day because I just wanted to buy whatever and I just couldn't.  Its all a learning process.
Well this weekend was a learning curve for me. We had our family over for a BBQ. All my favorite things had sugar or something I couldn't eat. So I made my family's favorites with a little twist. I love broccoli salad. So I had to figure out a way to make this "Diabetic" Version.  The family tried it and they couldn't even tell the difference. Win for Paige!

You will need:
3 cups raw broccoli
1/2 onion chopped
1/2 cup cheddar cheese
4 slices of bacon chopped
1 cup helmans mayo
2 tbsp vinegar
1 tbsp stevia or another sweetener

Additions: almonds, pecans, cranberries, raisins

1. In a large bowl combine broccoli, onion, cheese and bacon toss together
2. In a small bowl mix mayo, vinegar, and stevia
3. then take the mayo mix and mix it in the broccoli mix
4. Refrigerate until needed

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