Saturday, May 26, 2018

Sweet Potatoes Turkey Shepherds Pie

They say when you are given bad news that there is always a silver lining. When I got the news this week that I am a diabetic my first few thoughts where I am not going to be able to cook or bake anymore. Then I started googling and pinteresting.. its now a challenge to make delish food that I can eat and not feel guilty. This would be my silver lining!  When I came across this recipe I knew I had to make sounded so good!

You will need:
1 package of ground turkey (or chicken or beef)
1 onion
1/2 cup carrots chopped
1 cup frozen peas
2 tablespoons Cornstarch
2 tablespoons water
1/2 cup chicken stock
1 tsp garlic powder
salt and pepper to taste
2  cups frozen corn
1 sweet potatoe cooked and mashed

1. cook the turkey on medium heat until fully cooked. Then add onion and carrots and cook until soft. then add garlic powder and salt and pepper. Then add chicken stock. Then take a cup and mix cornstarch and water together then add to turkey mix. It makes a gravy but just to hold it all together.  Then add peas. Place mix into a 9x9 baking dish. then add corn on top then spread sweet potatoes over top! Bake at 350 for about 20 mins.

** you can sub sweet potatoes for cauliflower. Just cook cauliflower and mash then put on top**

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