Wednesday, June 20, 2018

8 Easy Peasy Self Care Tips

I have always been the person that did things for every one else. I was always taught thats what you do. There were days I was going straight out from 6 am until 10 -11pm at night. I was getting burnt out. My husband and I were fighting all the time. I was getting photos back to my clients longer than usual. I was getting snappy. Finally my husband said you need to start taking time for yourself. He said it's not selfish. Its necessary. At first I felt very guilty. I would think about ALL the things that needed to get done. But eventually I started thinking.. who cares if the dishes arent done? Who cares if my laundry isn't done? Who cares if the kids have to make their own lunch (they are 12/13 they can do it all by themselves) Clients will understand if it takes a bit to get their photos. So I started.... I started going to the gym, making chores for the kids, shutting my editing off at 9pm and going to watch my favorite show, taking a bubble bath. I noticed a change in me. I noticed I was happier, I wasn't fighting with others as much, I was feeling relaxed more. Now its a routine. I have a certain routine and I do it almost every day. I don't feel one bit guilty anymore!

Self care is the practice of taking time for yourself and no one else. Its carving out time to focus on yourself. It sound selfish but it needs to be done. if you don't take time for yourself its just a matter of time before you burn out.  Your body and mind will thank you. If it means Pj's and eating a tub of ice cream then do it! At first its hard but keep going!! You can do it!

Here are some cheap and easy self care ideas for you!

1. Start a journal
Write something down every day. Whether its 5 things you are Grateful for or just a book of ideas or a detailed account of your day. Some ideas you can write about are your goals, reflection on your day, inspiration quotes, ideas, dreams.

2. Affirmations
Affirmations can stop negative self talk and build confidence. In my bathroom I have a couple post it notes by my mirror. I look at them every time I am in the bathroom. I say them to my self every morning as I am getting ready.
Here are a few to help you:
- I am enough
- I am ready
- I am strong
- I believe in myself
- I have a caring heart
- Today is going to be a good day

3. Sip and Read
There is something about holding a warm beverage that makes you feel good. Make yourself some tea, coffee, or hot chocolate. Just sit and read with a good book or magazine! Just sip and relax. Why not get on your comfy clothes and sit in your fav spot and just sip and read!

4.Take a walk without your cell phone
 Put your phone on airplane mode and listen to your favorite music and relax. When was the last time you shut your phone off ? Lately when I have been going to the gym I have been putting my phone on airplane mode its so much better!
Walking relieves stress, improves your mood and clears your mind :)

5. Watch your favorite movie
Grab a snack, get in your comfy clothes, snuggle on the couch and indulge in your favorite movie. Your brain needs time to turn off and be entertained. Last week was just a crazy week and Saturday night my hubby and I rented a movie and vegged out on the couch. It was worth it. My brain felt so good just focus on something else and relax!

6 Bake yourself a treat
I love to bake (if you didnt know). I use baking as a stress reliever. When was the last time you baked something? Put on your favorite music, dance in the kitchen, bake for fun.. and lick the spoon!

7. Have a bubble bath.
I love having a a bubble bath. Especially with bath bombs! Check out my favorite places to buy bath bombs ( Betty Bath Bombs and This Soap Company) Just go to the bathroom close the door (lock it if you have to), have some candles, put on some music and just relax

8. Colouring
I love colouring!! When I was in university during a stressful time I would colour to help me to relax. There are so many different colouring books out there from adult ones to inspiration quotes. My favourite are kids Christmas ones lol I am weird like that!

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