Saturday, December 31, 2016


This morning I sit quietly at my computer I think about what a year 2016 has been. God has Blessed me beyond anything I could have ever imagined. Both in my photography business and my plexus business.  Can you believe that its 2017! Where did 2016 go? The year literally flew by 

I started off 2016 in not such a good note. I wasn't feeling good and still recovering from my surgery. But after being off work for a few weeks I knew what I wanted in 2016. I knew that I had to start taking time for myself. But I felt guilty. I felt guilty like most women do. Taking time for Paige wasn't always my top priority... everyone else was. That needed to change and it needed to change quickly. 

Once I realized that taking time for myself wasn't selfish it was necessary things in my life started changing. I started feeling better about myself. I started being more positive about things. I taught
myself to say no from time to time and not feel guilty. 

In April I made the decision to give Plexus a try and my hubby wanted to join with me. I knew that we could not afford plexus. So we (I) signed up as ambassador. We wanted to get our products at wholesale pricing and we wanted to try and get our products paid for. With in 2 weeks of starting Plexus not only did I have our products paid for I was able to rank in the company. 

When I started Plexus with in a few days I started noticing a difference. I noticed that I had more energy, that I wasn't as tired, and that I had been sleeping better since my surgery. Within a week I had lost almost 10lbs, I didn't crave sugar anymore, and I started feeling better about myself. Before Plexus on my way to work I would stop 2 or 3 times just to wake up and on the way home I would stop at the Blackville Irving or Grocery store to get a Pepsi or get some chocolate just to get me home. Now I don't stop I drive home. I was also too tired to come home and cook so I would stop and get some take out. I now come home and cook supper we barely eat take out anymore. I also was addicted to Pepsi. I even had an emergency bottle in the cupboard and warned my  husband that if he ever touched it he may have his hands cut off. Not anymore!! There is very rarely pop in our house.

As almost every family, my family was living from pay check to pay check and extra's like vacations etc were not priority on our list. Since becoming a Plexus Ambassador and being consistent my family started having a little extra money to help pay for vacations and extra fun stuff that we just couldn't afford. My husband and I every year have an annual Canada Day party for our friends and family. This year Plexus paid for almost all of it! and guess what?? My husband and I haven't had to pay for our Plexus products since we started. Its all been paid for :) 

As I welcome 2017 I am excited that weight loss isn't at the top of my list resolutions. Its kinda nice. But it is to continue on this journey to become a healthier me. One thing that I would like to do is add more daily exercise to my routine as I have struggled with that this year. I also want to help more people feel as amazing as I do and help them reach their goals. 

Plexus has been such a blessing to my family and I want to share that with everyone. If you have reach rock bottom or you are tired of being sick and tired. Contact me! I was there. I couldn't do it anymore. This was the answer I was looking for. You get a 60 day money back guarantee on EVERY SINGLE PRODUCT even if the bottles are empty! You got nothing to lose! 

I hope my amazing customers, my awesome Plexus teams, and my family and friends have a Happy New Year. I hope that 2017 is your best year yet :) 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


I have a huge confession to make...
So when I started Plexus my upline asked me "what is your why?" I knew right away my why was that I wanted to lose weight. That was it that was all. I was going to do this. I was going to be a size 2 in just a few weeks. But boy did I get a rude awakening. But I did lose 15lbs and 3 inches and yes I have kept it off!

But I did something bad. I stopped Plexus for 4 days. and you know what? it was the BIGGEST MISTAKE of my life. yep it was. Within hours of stopping Plexus I was back to my old ways. I had one pop... thats what started it all. I couldn't get enough sugar into me. I was eating candy and chocolate and ice cream like it was going out of style.  and you know what happened? I felt exactly how I felt before I started plexus. I didn't like that person.

I was cranky, I was bloated, I felt fat, I wasn't sleeping, I was arguing with everyone. I was back to being addicted to sugar. my stomach felt hard. I couldn't go to the bathroom.  I was tired. I had no energy.

On my way home from my vacation I called my mom and said I need some Plexus. It took almost a week for me to get back to what I call normal now.  I suddenly realized it wasn't about weight loss. It wasn't about being skinny. It was about feeling great and being healthy. My Why has changed. I may never be a size 2 and thats ok. I would rather be the size I am and be healthy.

After I started Plexus and started feeling good I promised myself that I would never go back to that person. And now I know for sure I will never go back to that person I was. I have learned to have a new appreciation for the products I take every day.

I talk with people all the time and they tell me I can't afford Plexus. Well thats another confession I have to make. I can't afford Plexus either. I got my income tax in March took a little bit of money
and invested in this company. I prayed everyday that I would get enough commission that my plexus for the month would be paid for. Guess what??  I still pray every day that it gets paid for and guess what I have NEVER had to pay for any products that I have gotten from Plexus since April. and want to know another secret? I buy about $350-$400 of product each month. The income I have gotten from Plexus since April has changed my family. It could change yours!

I would love to talk to you about how Plexus has changed myself and my family. What if this could change everything?

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Where does the time go...

In a few days it will be 3 months since I started my Plexus journey. What a ride it has been!!

When I started people keep asking me if how much I wanted to lose? I kept telling everyone that I was happy just to lose 5lbs because I didn't want to be disappointed. But deep in my heart my goal weight was 30lbs. I started this journey weighing myself at 230lbs. It hasn't been easy the 3 months. I have lost weight and gained weight and lost weight again. But I haven't seen that 230lbs since I started. I am thankful every day for that.

Today I weighed myself.. After being consistent with my product, going to the gym, trying to drink my daily water in take, and watching what I eat.. I am happy to say.. I am at 1/2 way point. I am down 15lbs and 3inches.

Every time I get on the scale, every time I hear people say wow don't you look good. I am so thankful for a little pink drink that I drink every morning. A lot of people lately have been asking my why are you taking plexus? How come you just don't have regular exercise and change your food intake.

First I take plexus because it cleans out your gut and makes your gut healthy. secondly I am using Plexus as a tool to help me lose the weight and thirdly I did that. I went to a high intensity boot camp for 3-4 days a week for 9 months. I felt great and loved going. I watched what I ate and changed my eating habits but guess what I lost maybe 10lbs. In 3 months I have gone to the gym, changed my eating habits and added Plexus and I am down 15lbs... you tell me...

Message me today about how I can help you achieve your goals. your secret is safe with me!!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Are you curious??

For those of you that are just a little bit curious about the Plexus business opportunity ..
But not ready to ask me about it -
Here’s a few things I’d like to share with you about Plexus..
💥Plexus Worldwide set out to do it differently and has succeeded! We grew over 16,000% in 3 years and are debt free! We designed our own compensation plan which pays in ELEVEN different ways!
💥"Pyramid scheme?” Absolutely not. Our comp plan actually allows you to rank faster than those above you (very unusual in the network marketing industry). And we provide great natural products that WORK and that people want to take daily and forever to maintain good health.
💥We are Internet driven, so no parties, inventory, or product deliveries are necessary. Customers order directly from your website (that is included in the cost of your sign up for only $34.95! Yep, that’s right. NO monthly web hosting fees!) and the products are delivered to your door step! You get compensated for SHARING about products you love... And even if you don’t want to share it, you can still join and get YOUR products for wholesale costs with no commitments (not to mention you earn commission on what YOU purchase as well!)
💥 There's not a single person on Planet Earth that couldn’t benefit from at least one product in our line (our probiotic, omegas, and multivitamin are incredible AND affordable).
💥Our LOWEST ranked ambassadors could make $500+ per month! Our highest ranked - the sky is the limit!!
Wrap your arms around this: we have some ambassadors who are earning SEVEN FIGURES a MONTH. Yes you read that right.
It is time you forget everything you *think* you know about MLMs and network marketing.
Give Plexus a chance to change your health and your finances! We have the BEST compensation plan ever!
💰Residual income is the best💰
Join a ground floor company who is EXPLODING💥💥
Be a part of changing lives, including yours!!!
Curious? Intrigued? Excited?
I’d love to chat with you


Sunday, June 26, 2016

5 Reasons...

5 great reasons to start your journey to a healthier you with Plexus..

✅1. Do you take a multivitamin? -Decide to purchase Plexus XFactor instead of whatever drug store vitamin you're taking. -The aloe in XFactor helps your body absorb all the nutrients up to 300% more. Not only will you FEEL the vitamins working, you'll see a difference in your skin, hair and nails… really! -PLUS: The aloe soothes your intestinal track. So if vitamins normally burn or irritate your stomach, this will be an added benefit that you'll love. (We can take these first thing in the morning & on an empty stomach even!) 

✅2. Do you take a probiotic? -Swap your next bottle for Probio5. -Similar to some other probiotics, ProBio5 loads your intestinal tract with good bacteria. -PLUS: In addition to best quality probiotics, ProBio5 contains antifungals and enzymes to break down yeast overgrowth… important, because if you don't kill the bad bacteria you'll never win the battle in your gut. -ProBio5 also contains B6 and grape seed extract too. Together these help to restore and balance your intestinal flora.\

 ✅3. Do you fiber up on a daily basis? -Swap your next bottle with BioCleanse. -BioCleanse contains a specially formulated magnesium compound and creates a GENTLE regularity. -It also helps oxygenate your whole body, cleanses the digestive tract and arteries, supports collagen production and enhances weight loss!

✅4. Do you rely on energy drinks or coffee/sodas to get through the day? -Save the $$ you're spending every day and try The Edge and Plexus Slim. -You'll get an all-day, sustained energy, without the added caffeine. -PLUS: You'll get additional benefits that you don't get from those energy drinks, such as balanced blood sugar and cholesterol, reduced cravings, etc


 ✅5. Plexus offers a 60 day money back guarantee. So you literally have nothing to lose!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Want to stop your sugar cravings??

Chromium is a mineral our bodies use in small amounts for normal body functions, such as digesting food. Chromium exists in many natural foods including brewer’s yeast, meats, potatoes (especially the skins), cheeses, molasses, spices, whole-grain breads and cereals, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Drinking hard tap water supplies chromium to the body, and cooking in stainless-steel cookware increases the chromium content in foods.
Those at risk for chromium deficiency include people with diabetes and the elderly.
What is chromium used for?
  • Chromium helps to move blood sugar (glucose) from the bloodstream into the cells to be used as energy and to turn fats, carbohydrates, and proteins into energy.
  • Chromium may help some people with type 2 diabetes. It may help them control their blood sugar and may play a role in the management of type 2 diabetes.
  • Low chromium levels may cause high cholesterol and may increase your risk for coronary artery disease (CAD). Chromium may increase "good" (HDL) cholesterol and lower triglycerides and total cholesterol levels in some individuals.
  • Chromium is helpful in building muscle and burning fat and in helping the body use carbohydrates.
  • Chromium may affect the eyes. There is a link between low chromium levels and increased risk of glaucoma.
  • Chromium slows the loss of calcium, so it may help prevent bone loss in women during menopause.
  • Chromium is good stuff. If you have history in your family of bone loss or high cholesterol let's talk about prevention! 
  • helps diminish carb cravings
  • helps reduce fat mass, increases lean body mass, and can lead to weight loss
  • helps with depression, Turners Syndrome, PCOS, bio polar, and binge eating
💡Chromium is one of the amazing ingredients in our Plexus Slim.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Hard to believe its been 2 months....

This morning marks 2 months since I took my first drink of Plexus Slim. Since then everything has change.. for the better. It hasn't been easy and it hasn't been hard. A little of both. Every day is something new. I have faced some challenges and over come them. I have been and still continue to be determined that I am no longer going to the way that I was.

I look at photos from when I started and I can't believe that was me. That I allowed myself to get that big and unhealthy. I know that I will never be a size 2 and I am fine with that. But I want to be healthy. I have learned so much about my gut health and about the foods in my body.
Small victories are often big victories!

- I started off at 230lbs I am now at 220lbs. Though I fluctuate sometimes just by a few pounds. But I will never see 230 lbs again!! I don't want too!
- I started off at 48inch waste. I am now down to 45.5inches
- I have lost weight on my face
- I am sleeping better.
- I also don't hit the snooze button anymore! and I look forward to getting out of bed
- my skin is clearer
- my hair looks healthier (thanks to the Plexus body cream)
- I don't have dandruff
- I have more energy
- I am more regular lol
- I use to have really bad cramps before going to the washroom.. they are GONE!
- When I come home from work I am not tired, I want to cook supper, I want to do other things
- my nails are coming in a little better they use to be very brittle and now I have strong nails
- my sugar cravies have decreased..  however I do like ice cream or cupcakes or a chocolate bar once in a while. I don't stop my self
- I am choose more healthier options though I love take out from time to time just  like every one else!

This is my journey.... would you like for this to be you? I can help! I have been there. I never knew what I could do until I started my journey. Let me help you write yours!

The first photo was take April 2nd 2016 and the second was taken June 14, 2016

This second photo was at my 6 week check in 

The first photo was taken 2 days in Plexus.. and the 2nd photo June 10/16

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Its been 1 month...

I started my Plexus journey on March 31st, 2016. I made a decision that I wanted to be a healthier person. I was tired of being over weight, tired, and sluggish. I needed a change. So I contact my friend Cheryl and I began my journey with Plexus. I decided to sign up as an ambassador so that I could get the cheapest price possible. After talking with her I knew that I had change my lifestyle. That this was just not a diet but a complete lifestyle change. I started the gym and started eating healthier and watching what I ate. 

On April 15th, was the first day I took a drink of my Plexus Slim. The first few days were a little hard just to get back to the routine. I had weighed my self at work and the scale said 223.5 which I thought was really good. Then 3 days later I started to notice some things. I weighed my self and the scale said 220.5, I noticed I had more energy, I was sleeping better, and I was offered cake and didn't want it. By the end of my first week  I weighed my self and I was down to 216!! That's 7lbs. I was pumped! I was at the gym that week and I pulled a muscle in my leg and I couldn't really work out any more for awhile. I started to miss it. I had the energy and but I didn't want to do more damage. I was home from work one day and home by myself. There was a box of chocolate there. I ate 1/2 the box. For no reason! It was just there I just ate it and I hated it. I just ate because I was bored!! 

My second week I noticed the scale at work I was using kept giving me different numbers every time I went on it. So I went out and bought a new one for my house. When I was on the scale it said I was 228lbs. I was fine with that... it was more than what I thought and I don't think I gained 10lbs in a week lol.  That week that I missed taking my bio cleanse in the morning and I wasn't drinking as much water  and I noticed that I was a little tired and started to feel sluggish. I remember Cheryl telling me that CONSISTENCY WAS KEY!! So I started a again making sure that I was taking my pills and drinking my water. 

Last week I started back to the gym just doing a light work out as my leg still isn't 100%. On Saturday morning I weighed myself and so exited to see 222.5lbs. That made my day!! Then I was home alone for the day and you know what I ate everything that I could find! I am pretty sure I gained it all back! That's my struggle.. I get bored and I eat! Now you know why I have a 100 things on the go!

I spent the night at my mothers house and she had a full length mirror so I thought I would take a photo of myself and compare it to my first photo I took. I still seen that big belly but I noticed that it wasn't as big!

Along with a results in my weight and with feeling great. I have been Blessed enough to be able to have rank as a Silver Ambassador with Plexus Worldwide. I started as an ambassador because I wanted to the cheapest price possible and get my plexus paid for. Its been a great journey thanks to my fabulous customers and my awesome team! I am excited to see where Plexus is going to take me! I am thankful everyday for this wonderful opportunity! 

Have you been following my journey and wondering if its right for you? Send me a message and we can chat. Let me help you write your own journey with Plexus!  Plexus offers a 60 day money back guarantee, even if the bottles are empty! They are a great company to be apart of!

Have you ever heard that saying so much can happen in a month? Its so true. In one month so much has changed in my life. My body feels so good, I have more energy, I am sleeping better, I am a happier person, my skin is clearer. 

Friday, April 22, 2016

One Week....

One week ago today I started a new journey towards a healthier me. I was scared and excited. I didn't know what to expect. Its hard to believe its only been a week. I really wanted to Plexus to work for me. I was scared that it wasn't. I can tell you that in one week Plexus has changed me.

My first day I couldn't believe the energy that I had. I am usually a go to bed at 10pm person I was ready to go and do almost anything at midnight Friday night. The next day I wasn't feeling so well but I have been fighting a sinus infection on and off for months. That what was making me feel not so good. Then Sunday I was lazy from a busy weekend but I was still full of energy and forced myself to go to bed Sunday night. I woke up Monday morning feeling refreshed not tired. My whole body felt good. It didn't feel sluggish like it usually does. Then Tuesday came along and for the first time in a long time I wasn't tired coming home from work. I cleaned the house and worked on some photos. I look forward to going to bed at night because I know I am going to have a good sleep.

I did notice on Monday (day 3) that I was starting to lose my craving for sweets. My mom made a cake and I didn't want it. I had a dessert at work on Tuesday and even that I really didn't want. It was just there. I haven't really been snacking in the evenings. I have been trying to eat supper a little later and I do notice that makes a huge difference.

At first I found drinking my slim drink in the morning was a little hard. I am not a big sugar eater especially in the morning. But after the 3rd day it was going down pretty easy. I drink it before I get in the shower in the morning. This way I find it gives me the 20-30 mins I need before I can have breakfast.

Wednesday evening I went to the gym and pulled a muscle in my leg. That gave me a little set back. But that's ok. As long as I am taking my pink drink I will be fine.

I did step on the scale and it was nice to see that I was down 3lbs. But I promised myself that I wouldnt get on the scale until friday. Then I caved.. I got on the scale on Thursday and it I was down another pound.. and then today I got on the scale.. 7lbs.. I am down 7lbs in one week!! How awesome is that!!
I can't believe that I am losing weight. I can't believe how much better I feel! I can't believe I just started this why didn't I do this a long time ago!

I know that you have been following my journey and wondering does this stuff really work. You want to know the truth it does! I feel so much better! I wish I would have started this journey a lot sooner! If you are wondering if you should give Plexus a try, do it! You have a 60 day money back guarantee if you do not like the product! You have nothing to lose but weight! Please send me a private message on facebook and we can chat Plexus. I promise I won't tell anyone!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Day 4 ~ Changes already

So I wasn't suppose to step on the scale. I told myself nope I wasn't going to do it. But I felt better this weekend. My body felt good for the first time in a long time. I wasn't feeling sluggish or feeling fat. I felt good. I felt I had more energy.  The last 2 nights I fell asleep as I hit the pillow and had a great sleep. 
So this Monday morning I wanted to step on the scale. I was praying. I knew that if I hadn't lost anything that I would be disappointed but then I knew that if I did lose something even 1 lb I would be happy. I would be over joyed! So I stepped on the scale.. and prayed and watched the numbers... My first time I got on the scale I was 223.8lbs. So I was scared... then they started to appear.. 220.8lbs. I was so excited!! 3lbs... 3 whole pounds. I felt like I just won the lottery. Yes it was only 3 lbs.. but you must start somewhere. Have you ever seen what just 1 pound of fat looks like? 

The first day trying to drink Plexus was just a little hard. It was just getting use to it. Then the 2nd day got better and so did the 3rd day. I think just because I am not use to drinking something sweet in the morning. I like my Plexus really cold so I add a few ice cubes. But really over all it doesn't taste bad it was just getting use to it. But I knew that I was doing it for myself. I was making myself a better person. No looking back now!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Are you pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant?

This is a fabulous story from Lindsey. Yes Plexus is safe to take while your pregnant but you should always consult your doctor just to be safe. 

Lindsey shares......
This is for anyone out there who is planning on having a baby, who is pregnant, or just had a baby! Here is my Plexus experience:
I wish I had started Plexus before getting pregnant. I started Plexus at about 14 weeks. I couldn't work, I was in so much pain, felt so sick all the time, tired despite having 3-4 naps a day, and feeling totally depressed and emotional (my OB started me on zoloft).I had heard about Plexus and thought " I am totally getting that after the baby"... I had no idea that Plexus was safe enough to take while pregnant. I did some research, asked questions, and discussed the ingredients with my OB.
The very first day I started the Triplex combo, I instantly felt better. I could finally eat without feeling nauseous and within a few days I started loosing weight by eliminating excess water weight, bloating, and swelling. That uncomfortable and painful feeling that I had in my gut was going way and the reduction in swelling meant less inflammation in my lower back and hips reducing those nasty shooting and throbbing pains. Also, my naps stopped! I felt like the brain fog had lifted and I could finally think and function again. All that right there helped the depression I was having. I finally began to feel less helpless and more excited about the arrival of my little boy!! My Doctor took me of Zoloft soon after.
I took Triplex for the remaining 5 months of my pregnancy. I believe that balancing my sugars, killing off the bad bacteria in my gut, and cleaning out my body... meant that the transfer of food from me to baby was CLEAN and nutrient enriched which contributed to a balanced flora within his body as well. Jameson is extremely healthy and strong! He didn't cry when he was born, the nurse who cleaned him exclaimed to the room that he was already holding up his head and looking around! He was born on 8/30/15 with a smile on his face and has never once been colicky (because he has a healthy/balanced gut and digestive system). If Mom is healthy, baby has a much better chance of being healthy as well!
Unfortunately I had developed pregnancy edema. Once I was home and back on Plexus (about 4 days postpartum), I lost 18lbs in two days!!! Plexus helped all that extra swelling and water weight to leave my body!! I just love what Plexus has done for me and my son. I continue to lose weight, get healthy, and be consistent with my Plexus products. Do yourself a favor and give Plexus a try!

and so my journey begins...

This last week I have been counting down the days until my Plexus arrived. I couldn't wait for Thursday to arrive. Well it arrived... and I had to wait until I got home from work to even seen what was in my package. It was so exciting to come home and see that my Plexus was actually here. That starting from that moment I was going to change. 

Friday morning was my Christmas morning. I was so excited to start Plexus today. I even got out of bed early. Went to the kitchen and made my plexus. It was so easy. Just filled my water bottle, put the mix in and shake it. 

Anyone that knows me knows that I like to go to bed early. I usually crash around 10pm. But last night I at 11pm I still had tons of energy. Actually it was after  12am before I went to bed. I woke up this morning I had somewhat of a good sleep... but between the dog and my husband I was up a couple of times. But Sunday night will be the ultimate test. 

Over all I had a great day and I felt great on Plexus. I ate right and I drank all my water and went to the gym. The only complaint was that I had to go to the bathroom alot. 

I am really excited where this journey is going to take me. I am amazed even after day one I have started seeing some results. 

If you are like me and your out of shape, no energy, and need sleep. Please contact me. One of the many things I love about Plexus is that we are all a team. We are here to support you and help you through your Plexus journey. I would love to have you a part of my team! 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

My bottle of Pepsi

This morning I was cleaning up the kitchen and found a bag that I had from last night. It was a grocery bag that had a receipt
and a few other things and this bottle of Pepsi.
You see last night we were going to hang out with some friends and Jonathan needed to stop at the grocery store. I went in with him and when we went to the cash I walked by the Pepsi cooler and then walked back and said "Yes I think I will get a bottle". My reasoning behind it was that I went to the gym today. Thats not that great of an excuse!
We went and spent sometime with friends I had a few drinks of this bottle of Pepsi and that was it. I ended up having 3 glasses of water.

So this morning as I look at this bottle of pepsi, which is probably going to sit in the fridge for the next few days then I will poor it down the drain, I think to myself why did I do this? Why did I buy this? Why did I waste my money on this? Do you know this bottle of pepsi is $1.79 plus deposit isn't that nuts?!?!

I can't wait for my Plexus to arrive! But before it gets here. I have to have will power! I have to remind my self that I am throwing almost $2 down the drain. I can do it!

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Welcome April

Welcome Everyone 

I am very excited to Welcome April. I am excited because I know that even though there is snow on the ground... spring will eventually be here. I love that! That Spring is here!! Those long winter days are over. Time to get ready for summer!! 

With the beginning of a new month and a new season, I am excited about a new adventure. I am not someone to post my life on Facebook. I am usually very selective about things I post on Facebook. I actually told my team leader that I wasn't going to say anything that I wanted to keep this quite.  But there is no way I can contain my excitement! 

 Growing up I always struggled with my weight. But at this very point in my life I am the biggest I have ever been. I weight 230lbs. I was always 180-200lbs which I was happy at but I was still big. 

Things started getting bad after I got married. My husband went to work in Alberta. So I ate a lot. I would be home alone and would start eating. I love food and all different kinds of food. To be honest I think I am an all right eater. I try to stay healthy but sometimes divert. But since my husband was out west it was easier just to grab food on my way home. Then I would buy enough food to last me 2 days and would eat it in one sitting. While he was in Alberta I started the gym. I loved it. I looked forward to going and I felt amazing.  I loved it.  

Once my husband came back from Alberta things were a little tight. I was working 3 jobs just to keep things a float. Going to the gym was at the bottom of my list. Then I got sick. My tonsils were swollen and I could't sleep let alone breathe. I knew then I had to get back to the gym and change my life style. As mean as I said my doctor was he was just telling me the truth. He told me I was fat and I had to loose weight. It was hard to swallow but it was the truth. I was also getting tired of looking at photos of myself and seeing how big I am. 

I have heard about Plexus from time to time. I had seen different things on Facebook but just thought it was a fad diet. A friend who had been helped so much health wise through these product began telling me about them. If I hadn't heard it through her, I don't know that I would have tried them. I decided the least thing I can do is to give it a try because it would either 1. help me or 2. I'd get all my money back. There was nothing to loose. 

I am really excited to get these product and try them. I am excited to see how they are going to change my life. I believe that with this product mixed with healthy eating and exercise I will see results. I hope you follow my plexus journey with me. I can't do it alone. I know that I will have a great team of love and support behind me. 

If you are interested in this product and how it can help you please message me!  Now is the time to start working on your summer bathing suit body! I promise to keep it strictly confidential!