Monday, April 18, 2016

Day 4 ~ Changes already

So I wasn't suppose to step on the scale. I told myself nope I wasn't going to do it. But I felt better this weekend. My body felt good for the first time in a long time. I wasn't feeling sluggish or feeling fat. I felt good. I felt I had more energy.  The last 2 nights I fell asleep as I hit the pillow and had a great sleep. 
So this Monday morning I wanted to step on the scale. I was praying. I knew that if I hadn't lost anything that I would be disappointed but then I knew that if I did lose something even 1 lb I would be happy. I would be over joyed! So I stepped on the scale.. and prayed and watched the numbers... My first time I got on the scale I was 223.8lbs. So I was scared... then they started to appear.. 220.8lbs. I was so excited!! 3lbs... 3 whole pounds. I felt like I just won the lottery. Yes it was only 3 lbs.. but you must start somewhere. Have you ever seen what just 1 pound of fat looks like? 

The first day trying to drink Plexus was just a little hard. It was just getting use to it. Then the 2nd day got better and so did the 3rd day. I think just because I am not use to drinking something sweet in the morning. I like my Plexus really cold so I add a few ice cubes. But really over all it doesn't taste bad it was just getting use to it. But I knew that I was doing it for myself. I was making myself a better person. No looking back now!

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