Saturday, April 16, 2016

Are you pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant?

This is a fabulous story from Lindsey. Yes Plexus is safe to take while your pregnant but you should always consult your doctor just to be safe. 

Lindsey shares......
This is for anyone out there who is planning on having a baby, who is pregnant, or just had a baby! Here is my Plexus experience:
I wish I had started Plexus before getting pregnant. I started Plexus at about 14 weeks. I couldn't work, I was in so much pain, felt so sick all the time, tired despite having 3-4 naps a day, and feeling totally depressed and emotional (my OB started me on zoloft).I had heard about Plexus and thought " I am totally getting that after the baby"... I had no idea that Plexus was safe enough to take while pregnant. I did some research, asked questions, and discussed the ingredients with my OB.
The very first day I started the Triplex combo, I instantly felt better. I could finally eat without feeling nauseous and within a few days I started loosing weight by eliminating excess water weight, bloating, and swelling. That uncomfortable and painful feeling that I had in my gut was going way and the reduction in swelling meant less inflammation in my lower back and hips reducing those nasty shooting and throbbing pains. Also, my naps stopped! I felt like the brain fog had lifted and I could finally think and function again. All that right there helped the depression I was having. I finally began to feel less helpless and more excited about the arrival of my little boy!! My Doctor took me of Zoloft soon after.
I took Triplex for the remaining 5 months of my pregnancy. I believe that balancing my sugars, killing off the bad bacteria in my gut, and cleaning out my body... meant that the transfer of food from me to baby was CLEAN and nutrient enriched which contributed to a balanced flora within his body as well. Jameson is extremely healthy and strong! He didn't cry when he was born, the nurse who cleaned him exclaimed to the room that he was already holding up his head and looking around! He was born on 8/30/15 with a smile on his face and has never once been colicky (because he has a healthy/balanced gut and digestive system). If Mom is healthy, baby has a much better chance of being healthy as well!
Unfortunately I had developed pregnancy edema. Once I was home and back on Plexus (about 4 days postpartum), I lost 18lbs in two days!!! Plexus helped all that extra swelling and water weight to leave my body!! I just love what Plexus has done for me and my son. I continue to lose weight, get healthy, and be consistent with my Plexus products. Do yourself a favor and give Plexus a try!

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