Saturday, April 16, 2016

and so my journey begins...

This last week I have been counting down the days until my Plexus arrived. I couldn't wait for Thursday to arrive. Well it arrived... and I had to wait until I got home from work to even seen what was in my package. It was so exciting to come home and see that my Plexus was actually here. That starting from that moment I was going to change. 

Friday morning was my Christmas morning. I was so excited to start Plexus today. I even got out of bed early. Went to the kitchen and made my plexus. It was so easy. Just filled my water bottle, put the mix in and shake it. 

Anyone that knows me knows that I like to go to bed early. I usually crash around 10pm. But last night I at 11pm I still had tons of energy. Actually it was after  12am before I went to bed. I woke up this morning I had somewhat of a good sleep... but between the dog and my husband I was up a couple of times. But Sunday night will be the ultimate test. 

Over all I had a great day and I felt great on Plexus. I ate right and I drank all my water and went to the gym. The only complaint was that I had to go to the bathroom alot. 

I am really excited where this journey is going to take me. I am amazed even after day one I have started seeing some results. 

If you are like me and your out of shape, no energy, and need sleep. Please contact me. One of the many things I love about Plexus is that we are all a team. We are here to support you and help you through your Plexus journey. I would love to have you a part of my team! 

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