Sunday, June 26, 2016

5 Reasons...

5 great reasons to start your journey to a healthier you with Plexus..

✅1. Do you take a multivitamin? -Decide to purchase Plexus XFactor instead of whatever drug store vitamin you're taking. -The aloe in XFactor helps your body absorb all the nutrients up to 300% more. Not only will you FEEL the vitamins working, you'll see a difference in your skin, hair and nails… really! -PLUS: The aloe soothes your intestinal track. So if vitamins normally burn or irritate your stomach, this will be an added benefit that you'll love. (We can take these first thing in the morning & on an empty stomach even!) 

✅2. Do you take a probiotic? -Swap your next bottle for Probio5. -Similar to some other probiotics, ProBio5 loads your intestinal tract with good bacteria. -PLUS: In addition to best quality probiotics, ProBio5 contains antifungals and enzymes to break down yeast overgrowth… important, because if you don't kill the bad bacteria you'll never win the battle in your gut. -ProBio5 also contains B6 and grape seed extract too. Together these help to restore and balance your intestinal flora.\

 ✅3. Do you fiber up on a daily basis? -Swap your next bottle with BioCleanse. -BioCleanse contains a specially formulated magnesium compound and creates a GENTLE regularity. -It also helps oxygenate your whole body, cleanses the digestive tract and arteries, supports collagen production and enhances weight loss!

✅4. Do you rely on energy drinks or coffee/sodas to get through the day? -Save the $$ you're spending every day and try The Edge and Plexus Slim. -You'll get an all-day, sustained energy, without the added caffeine. -PLUS: You'll get additional benefits that you don't get from those energy drinks, such as balanced blood sugar and cholesterol, reduced cravings, etc


 ✅5. Plexus offers a 60 day money back guarantee. So you literally have nothing to lose!

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