Friday, April 22, 2016

One Week....

One week ago today I started a new journey towards a healthier me. I was scared and excited. I didn't know what to expect. Its hard to believe its only been a week. I really wanted to Plexus to work for me. I was scared that it wasn't. I can tell you that in one week Plexus has changed me.

My first day I couldn't believe the energy that I had. I am usually a go to bed at 10pm person I was ready to go and do almost anything at midnight Friday night. The next day I wasn't feeling so well but I have been fighting a sinus infection on and off for months. That what was making me feel not so good. Then Sunday I was lazy from a busy weekend but I was still full of energy and forced myself to go to bed Sunday night. I woke up Monday morning feeling refreshed not tired. My whole body felt good. It didn't feel sluggish like it usually does. Then Tuesday came along and for the first time in a long time I wasn't tired coming home from work. I cleaned the house and worked on some photos. I look forward to going to bed at night because I know I am going to have a good sleep.

I did notice on Monday (day 3) that I was starting to lose my craving for sweets. My mom made a cake and I didn't want it. I had a dessert at work on Tuesday and even that I really didn't want. It was just there. I haven't really been snacking in the evenings. I have been trying to eat supper a little later and I do notice that makes a huge difference.

At first I found drinking my slim drink in the morning was a little hard. I am not a big sugar eater especially in the morning. But after the 3rd day it was going down pretty easy. I drink it before I get in the shower in the morning. This way I find it gives me the 20-30 mins I need before I can have breakfast.

Wednesday evening I went to the gym and pulled a muscle in my leg. That gave me a little set back. But that's ok. As long as I am taking my pink drink I will be fine.

I did step on the scale and it was nice to see that I was down 3lbs. But I promised myself that I wouldnt get on the scale until friday. Then I caved.. I got on the scale on Thursday and it I was down another pound.. and then today I got on the scale.. 7lbs.. I am down 7lbs in one week!! How awesome is that!!
I can't believe that I am losing weight. I can't believe how much better I feel! I can't believe I just started this why didn't I do this a long time ago!

I know that you have been following my journey and wondering does this stuff really work. You want to know the truth it does! I feel so much better! I wish I would have started this journey a lot sooner! If you are wondering if you should give Plexus a try, do it! You have a 60 day money back guarantee if you do not like the product! You have nothing to lose but weight! Please send me a private message on facebook and we can chat Plexus. I promise I won't tell anyone!

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