Monday, April 2, 2018

My first time making meatloaf

The last week I have had in my mind to make meatloaf. I think I seen it on a TV show and have been thinking about it since. I have never made it before. My hubby has but I haven't. I figured it couldn't be that hard.. right? Overall it wasn't too bad. oh yes thats bacon on top! 
I made this yesterday for lunch and it was really good! It made lots for left overs!!

You will need:
2 pounds of ground beef
2 eggs beaten
1 clove of garlic chopped
1 onion chopped
1 cup Italian bread crumbs
10 slices of bacon
salt and pepper to taste

1 1/2 cup ketchup
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 tsp of mustard

Preheat oven at 350 degrees
Put ground beef in a bowl and add eggs, garlic, onion, bread crumbs and salt and pepper. Mix together well with your hands
Form the mixture into a loaf shape on a broiler pan, which will allow the fat to drain. (Line the bottom of the pan with foil to avoid a big mess!)

Lay bacon slices over the top, tucking them underneath the meatloaf. 

Make the sauce: add ketchup, brown sugar, and mustard in a mixing bowl. Stir together. Pour 1/3 of the mixture over the top of the bacon. Spread with a spoon. 

Bake for 45 minutes, then pour another 1/3 of the sauce over the top. Bake for another 15 minutes. Slice and serve with remaining sauce.

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