Saturday, May 26, 2018

My new normal

This week I got some news that changed my world. At first it was a little shocking. I got in my car and drove home to Doaktown. I cried and I prayed the whole way home. When I pulled into my driveway I knew that everything was going to be okay. I went into my house and sat down with my husband and told him. I told him that Today I found out I am a diabetic.

Ever since I started working at the Health Centre I knew that this day would come. About 5 years ago if you told me that I was diabetic and that I would have to change my life style I probably wouldn't be so understanding as I am right now. In the last 2 years since I started Plexus I have made some big changes. We eat whole wheat bread, pasta and rice. We don't drink pop, however it is a treat. We try and eat more veggies and fruit. Junk food isn't really a big thing in our house though we have it from time to time. like today I really want a chocolate bar.. so I had strawberries.

I am going to be ok. Its going to be a adjustment. I have so many amazing people around me. My husband and my mom are my biggest cheerleaders. The staff at my work are already making sure I am testing my sugars. I am ready for this. Like anything else this will not run my life. I will run it!

The last few days I have had gone through every emotion. I have questioned why me? I have cried because all I wanted was a chocolate bar, I have embraced this new challenge. You name it I have been going through it. This wasn't part of my plan  (its never part of anyone's plan)  but I just have to trust God. He's got something big planned.. I know He does.

How does Plexus fit into this? Well... Plexus was developed for people with type 2 diabetes. Right now I am at a stand still. I have to wait to talk to my doctor and my pharmacists and get my medications figured out. I know Plexus will be a huge part of my journey. My doctor is very pro supplements. My pharmacists said she actually encourage supplements. I have complete faith that I can stay on this journey. I had questioned that I thought plexus was suppose to regulate my blood sugars. When I started they might HAVE been regulating them and now 2 years later my sugars where probably so high that Plexus Slim just couldn't do the job anymore. Believe me they were HIGH!

My journey has changed a bit but that's okay. I know that God wouldn't have given it to me if He didnt think I could handle it. I have been telling people that I am pretty sure God has been preparing me for this day for the last few years. I may have questions and I may struggle a bit, thats why I have friends like you that will help me and be my support along the way!

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