Monday, December 31, 2018

Thats a wrap 2018

I have been thinking about this blog post for about 2 weeks now. I would start to write something then delete and then write something else and then think it was no good.

I can't believe that its December 31st 2018. That tomorrow we are welcoming 2019. As I look back over 2018 I can't believe all that has happened.

I started the year off working on a little project. My blog had been doing so well and I had a lot of followers on my Facebook and Instagram that a company and contacted me about teaming up with them. I thought that this was really cool. I started doing research on Social Media Influencers. Then I started writing other companies with products that I use on a daily basis. I have been Blessed to work with some amazing companies this year. I worked with the Rocky Mountain Raw Dog food company, The Crowne Plaza Moncton, Canadian Tire, Johnson Sausages, Lord Nelson Hotel, St. Andrews Inn and many more. In 2019 I will be working with a few more companies. I am excited to be teaming up with them.

I really started working on personal development last year. I did a lot of reading and listening to a lot of podcasts. I love listening to Jenna Kutcher. She is such an amazing business women. I also have been following and learning from Jasmine Star. She is a photographer that I had followed way back with I first started photography. I kind of lost touch with her but this year I became part of her Social Curators Group and I am learning so much from her.

May 23rd 2018 is the day that changed my life. That is the day I found out I was a type 2 Diabetic. When the doctor told me my diagnosis I was upset. I kept saying to myself  "why God? why me?" But after a friend who is a Pastor prayed with me that day I had this feeling come over me. I knew that God had a bigger plan for me. That I was going to get through this. I don't know what His plan is for me but I know He's got something good!!

This last year I have learned a lot of  healthy eating, gut health, taking supplements and vitamins and exercise is.  It has changed my whole life. When I went to the hospital that day my sugars were 33. Within 2 weeks of completely changing my diet I had my sugars in Normal range and have been able to maintain it. My goal this year is to help people who struggle with their diabetes and show them how easy it is to change their diet and get their sugars under control.

The year has been through many adventures for work and personally. I have been to Halifax twice, moncton a few times, of course PEI and took an adventure to St. Andrews.  We have met so many new friends along the way. Friends who have become more like family to us now.

As a photographer this year was out of this world. I was Blessed enough to work ALL year where many photographers only work from April to Christmas. And it doesnt look like it will be slowing down any time soon. I have had so many wonderful clients I am so Blessed to have met each and every one of you. I already have a few exciting things up my sleeve for 2019.  2018 brought a new team member to Storeybrook Photography. I hired an editor to help me with my wedding photos. Its been a great match for me. It definitely has relieved a lot of stress.

In 2018 I have really embraced Self Care. I have taken time when I was so busy and just taken a bath or watched a movie. But I have really started to embrace how important self care is. Though times I am crazy busy and doesnt seem like I take the time I do make up for it later on. I have learned to shut the work away. Photos have been taken and they will get edited may not be right away but they will get done.

I have also really taken the time to get rid of toxic people in my life and learn to embrace my friends. I had a few people that were in my life that were really putting me down and making me stressed out. I finally started walking away from them slowly and not worrying what they had to say to me. In turn I have met so many amazing people this year and I seem to always be busy with them. You need the right people around you to grow.

I am sad to see 2018 go as it really was a great year. But I am excited to welcome a New Year full of so many possibilities

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Our little getaway to St. Andrews

 A few months ago my wonderful husband came to me and said Don't book anything on October 21st weekend we are going to St. Andrews on for out 5th wedding anniversary. I was super excited because I always wanted to go there. It was such a great weekend away in this small town.

First it seemed like forever to get there and after you leave Harvey you don't have much cell service or gas stations so make sure you use the bathroom before you leave Harvey lol.

On out little getaway I teamed up with St. Andrews Inn. When we arrived the front desk person was so sweet and kind. She made sure we had everything we needed for our weekend. Every time we in and out who ever was at the front desk always made you feel welcome and right at home. I really loved this Inn because all the rooms had an waterfront view. We were on the bottom level and stayed in their newly renovated suite. I was so excited when I walked into our room. There was a full stocked kitchenette with everything we would need, a kingsize bed, a seating area, and we had french doors when you opened them went out to a little balcony and the view was spectacular.

That evening we walked up and down the streets of St. Andrews and seen so many little shops and restaurants, we couldn't wait until the next day so go exploring some more. Our first stop was of course food! We went to this place called Olde Tyme Pizza. This food was so good! We got a pizza to take back to the hotel for later. It was so good. It tasted like homemade pizza. They used real ingredients and you could tell it was made by hand!

The next day we headed out to on the town to find get some breakfast. We found this little cafe called Lumberjack Cafe  They serve breakfast and lunch. Their servers were great and it seemed like the place to go for breakfast because there was a line up by the time we were ready to leave. All their food is homemade. They had a great display of treats and sweets. We loved their 7 grain bread so much that we had to buy a loaf to take home with us.

We spent the day exploring this small town. It was off season so many of the shops were closed. But a few were still open. We went to see the famous Algonquin Hotel and drove around this amazing piece of property. It was very gorgeous!

We headed out to Ministers Island. Anyone I have ever talked to said this was the place to go. When we first went there the tide was in so we just sat on teh shore and checked it out. But then we came back about an hour or so later the tide was out and you could drive right over to the Island. It was pretty cool. On Ministers Island was the "Summer" home of William Van Horne. He was responsible for creating the Canadian Pacific Railway. Whether you are a history buff or not this is a really cool place to go see. The piece of property is just amazing. We spent our whole day there exploring.

Our last day in St. Andrews there was a community event and the whole downtown was blocked off. The local fire dept was having a Truck pull. Where fire fighters had to try and pull a firetruck so many feet. It was so nice to see the people coming out in the community for this event.

Our weekend was amazing and very relaxing. Just what this girl needed. We had such a great time with friends and exploring this little place. I hope to go back in the summer to check it out as there was just so many places to see.

This was the view from our hotel room. It was so spectacular. Thank you to St. Andrews Inn for teaming up with me. We had such a great weekend away!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Tips on choosing the right camera

A email or message I get a lot is from people asking me "What camera should I buy?" The answer I give people is whatever one is good for you. Or some people will send me links to photos of cameras and ask "is this a good camera, I am thinking of buying it?" To be honest I don't know. I dont know because I dont know what you want it for or what you will be doing or what your price range is.

I have decided to compile a list of tips to help you choose the right camera just for you :)

1. Where should I buy my camera?
There are lots of great places where you can buy your camera. I first suggest Amazon. The reason why is because you can usually get them pretty cheap and you can usually get bundles from people. And if you are an amazon prime member you can get free shipping and your camera here in 2 days. I also suggest Costco... they have a really good return policy and again you can usually bundles with your camera. I also like Best Buy because they have an amazing warranty on all their products especially if you buy the extended warranty.

2. What brand of camera should I buy?
I am a Canon Girl. I have shot with a Canon Rebel and I now shoot with a Canon 60D. I am a Canon girl. Nikon is also a great camera. I have never shot with a Nikon but I have heard they are really great cameras. Personally I would stay within Canon and Nikon because they are the world leaders in Cameras but there are some great companies coming out with great cameras.

If you are looking for a good camera that is not a big camera or DSLR Canon does make a great Powershot Camera. Its a little better than a point and shoot but its not a a Canon Rebel and its nice and light. It also takes good photos. Canon Rebel are a great intro camera to buy. I started off with a Rebel and I loved it. I still have a Rebel as my backup camera. They are great cameras to buy when you are looking to grow. Nikon also has an equivlant to the Rebel its the Nikon 3200D.

Keep in mind that DSLR camera's are getting more affordable but not for everyone. Remember they are bigger, heavier, harder to keep clean, comes with lens and can be more complicated.

3. Determine what you need
Ask yourself some questions before you buy your camera. Like:
- what do you need a camera for?
- what type of features are you looking for?
- what is your budget?
- are you going to travel with it?
- are you taking sports photos with it?

4. Megapixels are not everything.
Once upon a time the more megapixels the better but not now a days. Most camera's come with at least 5 megapixels. Just remember the more mega pixels, the more space on your memory card and computer it will take up. If you are looking to blow images then yes more mega pixels the better.

5. Keep in mind the extra's
When you buy your camera from Amazon, Ebay or even at a store sometimes (Most times) they come in a bundle. Which yes its great you are getting all this stuff with your camera for a low price. But do you really need all that stuff? Are you really going to use that fish eye lens when you barely know what the kit lens is that came with your camera? Look at what you would like
-memory cards
-extra batteries
-camera case

6. Zoom Lens
Its great if your camera comes with a zoom lens. To be honest I barely use my zoom lens. In the last 4 years I have had it I might have used it a few times. Its not my favourite lens and its great to have it but I don't use it. Just remember that not all zoom lens are the same and are created different. One might be a fixed lens or one might not zoom as far as you want it too.

When I go to buy a new camera I research and check reviews. Don't always rely just on the sales person. Most sales persons don't always know anything about cameras and some are paid or have an incentive to make the sale. I usually Google what camera I am looking at and read the reviews that are posted. I also check out Youtube and watch videos. I like Jared Polin he has a lot of videos on different cameras and reviews them.

8. Don't assume a high price camera means quality.
To be honest.. its all about the person behind the camera. When I started in the photorgaphy business I shot with probably was the first Canon Rebel and I would see people at weddings with these big huge cameras and get scared. But at the end of the day.. I probably knew that little rebel better than they knew their camera.

9. Look at the battery type and price of battery
When I first started I just assumed that cameras used regular ole batteries that you buy at store. NOPE I was wrong. Each and every camera I own  comes with a different battery and a different charger. Yes there are a lot of chargers and batteries floating around my house lol

10. Check out the memory card
Not all camera's use a regular SD memory card. Most now a days do but there are still some out there that use mini, macro or even a compact flash card. Read up on which card you will need for your camera.

Overall, the main this is to make sure its a camera you really want and why you want it. Do the research and check it out. Most camera stores now have ones you can go and look at. You are able to hold it and see if it feels right for you. I hope this helps you make the right choice camera and feel free to message me anytime and I will try and help you out the best I can.

Happy Shooting


Saturday, July 7, 2018

Boston Cream Poke Cake

Today Jon and the boys worked really hard. They had did some yard work and cleaned both the truck and the car. I haven't been feeling well today and I felt bad because I haven't been the nicest person. So I made the boys a big supper and one of their favorite desserts. I did cave and had a small piece but since not really eating sugar for the last month I really didn't want it. 

You will need:
1 box yellow cake mix 
Ingredients called for on cake mix (eggs, oil and water) 
2 (3.4 oz) boxes instant Vanilla or French Vanilla pudding 
4 cups milk 
1 container chocolate frosting (or your favorite homemade chocolate frosting)

Make cake mix according to directions and bake in a well-greased 9×13 pan. 
When cake is finished baking and is still warm, poke holes all over cake using a wooden spoon handle or other similar size object (you want those holes fairly big so the pudding has room to get in there and you need to poke straight through to the bottom of the cake).
In a medium bowl, add milk to pudding mixture and continue to whisk until most of the lumps are removed. Pour pudding on top of warm cake, making sure to pour straight into the holes in the cake.
Take a spoon and spread it evenly across the top of the cake (very gently press down pudding to ensure that pudding goes into the holes and spread it all the way to the sides).
Put cake in fridge and allow to cool completely before adding the frosting (about 2 hours). 
Remove the lid and foil covering from the tub of chocolate frosting and microwave for about 10-15 seconds. Stir frosting with a spoon- it should still be thick, but pourable. Pour chocolate frosting on top of pudding.
Spread frosting to evenly cover cake. Start in the middle and gently spread to the sides. Allow to cool on the counter for a few minutes, then put into the fridge to fully cool and set up.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Hawaiian Dip

I made this for the party but I think there were so many other dips that it kind of got pushed to the side. But I had some and I really liked it!!

You will need:
1 package of cream cheese
1 small container of sour cream
1 can of pineapple chunks
2 slice of thick ham ( like toupee ham) cut up
1/2 cup bacon bits
1 cup shredded cheese

1. Mix cream cheese and sour cream together. Then mix in 1/2 cup of juice from the pineapples. Spread over a 9x13 pan.
2. Drain the rest of the pineapples.
3. In a bowl add pineapple chunks, cut up ham, bacon and cheese. lightly mix together
4. then place over top of cream cheese mix.
5. Chill for 1 hour before serving.
6. Serve with tostitos chips.

Lemon Lasagna

This was another hit at our annual Canada Day party. I really liked this one because it was nice and light. Plus its easy to make!

You will need:
1/2 cup melted butter
2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1 package of cream cheese
1 container of cool whip
1/4 cup sugar
2 tsp of lemon juice
2 package of lemon pudding
4 cups milk
Lemon for decoration on top

1. Mix melted butter and graham crackers crumbs together. Place in a 9x13 baking dish spread out over entire pan
2. In another bowl mix cream cheese, 1 cup cool whip, sugar and lemon juice together. Then spread out over graham cracker crust.
3. In another bowl mix lemon pudding  and 4 cups of milk together. Then spread out of cream cheese mix.
4. Take the rest of the cool whip and spread over lemon pudding mix. Top with lemon as a garnish
5. Chill for 1 hour before serving.

No Bake Banana Split Dessert

Yesterday we had our annual Canada Day Party. My husband and I have this every year for all our family and friends and who else wants to show up! I love getting ready for this. Its stressful but tiring but I look forward to it each year. I always look for easy simple desserts that I think people will like. This year I made 2 new ones. At the end of the night there were only a few slices of each left. I think they were winners!

You will need:
1/2 cup butter melted
2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1 package of cream cheese softened
1 container of cool whip
1/4 cup sugar
1 can crushed pineapple draind
4 bananas sliced
1 package of strawberries
1 small bottle of maraschino cherries
chocolate sauce that you would put on ice cream

Sprinkles and nuts

1. Mix melted butter and graham crackers together. Then put in a 9x13 pan.
2. Mix cream cheese, 1 cup cool whip, and sugar together. Then add crushed pineapple.
3. Put pineapple cream cheese mix in the pan as the next layer
4. Then place bananas and strawberries making the next 2 layers.
5. Then use the rest of the cool whip for the top layer
6. drizzle chocolate sauce and top with cherries.
7. Chill for one hour before serving