Sunday, January 7, 2018

What if this could change everything?

In March 2015 my husband, who was a truck driver out west, was layed off and sent home. We didn't know when or if he would be going back to Alberta. We struggled. We struggled really bad. My income just could not cover our expenses. Thankfully from help from our parents and LOTS of prayers we go through. My husband was able to find an amazing job here in NB and we said good bye to Alberta life.

We struggled for a while living paycheck to paycheck. Counting our pennies and being careful where we spent our money. I then became sick. I had mono and my tonsils were swelling and not going back to normal. Over months of not being able to do anything because I couldn't breathe or I would fall asleep doing stuff I just gave up. I became accustom to napping, not doing anything, sitting on the couch, eating whatever I wanted. I got in a rut. I was at my biggest I had ever been. But I was getting comfortable.

In October 2015 my friend Cheryl talked to me about Plexus. She was telling me how awesome this product was and how it helped her. I was happy for her that she found something that helped her with her fibromyalgia. But Plexus wasn't for me.

In November of 2015 I went to see a doctor he told me something that I didn't want to hear but it was the truth... He told me "You are fat and need to lose weight". That stuck with me. As much as I hated him for telling me that I knew it was the truth and I knew that something had to be done. So I started reading Cheryl's post about "this plexus stuff" just a little bit more.

The new year was creeping up and I was thinking of a new years resolution. I knew that I had to make some MAJOR changes in my life. I mean MAJOR! Once I was fully recovered from my surgery things were going to change. I was going to the gym and nothing was happening. I was watching what I was eating and going to the gym. I needed help.

In March of 2016, my husband and I were talking about our income tax and what were were going to do with our return that year. I told him that I wanted to give plexus a try. He said he did too! So I called up Cheryl and we talked about Plexus. She told us that the triplex was the way to go  and that if we were serious about Plexus that we should sign up as ambassadors that way we get our products at wholesale pricing and if we wanted we could try and sell it and make some money to help pay for our plexus.

At first I wasn't going to. I really didn't want to. I didn't have the time. I was working full time. Plus my photography business kept me busy. Plus my step sons were keeping me busy too. I didn't have the time!! But then I started reading about our compensation plan and about the rewards you could get. As I was learning about all this I thought wow! This is crazy!!

On April 1st 2016 I wrote my first post about Plexus. I hadn't even had my products yet. I just became passionate about these products. I kept ready testimonials from people on how this little pink drink is changing peoples lives. I received my products on April 14th and started them right away on the 15th. Within a few days I noticed I was sleeping better, I had more energy (Like I was cleaning my house at midnight), I had even lost a few pounds, and this was a big one I didn't want sugar!!

My mom had made this delicious cake and it looked so good. I took a big piece and ate 2 bites and was like I don't want this. My mom was in shock. I also noticed that when I was driving home I would stop and get a chocolate bar to give me energy to go home, I wasnt stopping anywhere. I was just driving. I noticed that I use to have tons of pains in my stomach when I had to go to the bathroom they were slowly disappearing.  This was just in the first week!!

By my 3rd week of Plexus I had ranked Silver in the company. I had made enough money to pay for not only my plexus for the month by my husbands. I had also received a $100 bonus for ranking. By the end of the month I had made enough money to by plexus for my husband and I for 3 months.

Its been 21 months since I began my plexus journey. Every month my products are paid for. The only money I have had to pay out to plexus is extra products I want or things like that. Each month my products are paid for. Because of my plexus income we have been able to do so much more with our family. In 2016 we took 2 vacations to PEI (you all know thats not cheap) plexus paid for that. I remember watching the kids play on the beach and I became so overwhelmed with emotion because I wasnt there stressing about money or how we were going to pay for things. Plexus paid for both vacations. Plexus paid for our annual Canada Day party we have at our house. The first year it paid for all and this last year not paid for all but quite a bit of it.  Plexus has helped us with bills and when things break. I talked to a friend one day about Plexus she asked me if I was making money selling plexus? I said yes I told her about our trip to PEI. She was like wow! Thats financial freedom!

Over the almost 2 years of my plexus journey I have lost 20lbs and kept the weight off, I have lost 5 inches and kept that off. I don't crave sugar (sometimes but its more of a treat), I crave water, I have more energy, I sleep better, I haven't been as sick as often, my skin tags are disappearing, I don't have dandruff as bad, dry skin patches I use to have no longer have them, IBS issues are nil, I use to be lacrose intollerant, I go regularly, my skin is clearer. Then lost goes on and on and on.

I have learned that plexus isn't all about weight loss. its about gut health. I now watch what I eat and I work out. I think about what I eat. We still eat take out food from time to time. We are still human. But I will never go back to the way I was.

If you have taken the time to read this whole story and you feel like you should be on this journey with me. I have a special promo code just for you. I want you to be apart of this journey with me. I have a promo code so you don't have to pay to become a ambassador, plus you get 10% off your welcome pack plus many more perks.

The first photo was October 2015. The Second photo was December 2016 and the last photo was December 2017. I have stayed consistent on my products. I take them every day. Look was 2 years has done. 

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