When I talk to people about a probiotic they say oh yeah I take one its in my yogurt. I don't want to bash those companies but please make sure its a healthy yogurt. Not full of sugar or splenda! If it is its not good for you.
Well first... they are refrigerated... Our bodies are NOT a fridge. So if its has to in the fridge whats it doing to it when it its our mouths? the temp of our body is WAY warmer than a fridge. Most bacteria begin to activate when they hit the heat and moisture in our mouths. By the time it hits your gut you only get about 20% to 30% bacteria has survived because it takes about 30mins to 90mins to get your gut. Some people pay up to $150 for a good probiotic. you don't need to pay that kind of money for a good probitoic.
I should warn you I am not a doctor. I am just someone who is very interested in my gut health and I could be wrong on some of these issues but I did do a lot of research.. also I am going to talk about Plexus Probio5... Plexus does not claim to cure or treat any of these symptoms and neither do I :)
You are born with natural probiotics in your body. But the big problem is when you do a round of antibiotics because it completely wipes out the good and the bad probiotics in your stomach. It leaves your gut defenseless. You gut is responsible for 85% of your immune system. if you have nothing left to defend your gut. you are going to have lots of issues.
You are also born with yeast in your gut called candida. The only purpose of candida is to help decompose your body when you die. Candida feeds off alcohol, sugar, process foods, take out, deep fried foods, pasta, breads.. the list goes on. It also leads to a overgrowth of yeast and that can turn into a leaky gut. It grows on layers of your stomach and eat little holes in the lining of your stomach. You gut should not have little holes. It should be locked down like a vault! So while you have these little holes foods get out into your body. NOTHING should leak out of your gut.. it should leave the way mother nature intended for it leave.. you know what I am sayin?
So if you gut is leaking food particles and such in your body and it will get into your blood stream thats probably not a good thing! when foreign particles are in your body your brain kind of freaks out and sends signals that something shouldn't be there and so then it attacks it. This is why a lot of people have food allergies and food sensitivities. For example Gluten sensitivity.. their body is leaking gluten so your body attacks it and it shouldn't be leaking.
Many people have issues that begin in their gut and may just need a good probiotic to help those issues. Like digestive issues, IBS, help preventing allergies, upset stomach, yeast infections, white tongue, UTI, joint pain, not regular (if you know what I mean)
So you want to start a probiotic? and you probably have no idea where to even start. You go to a health food store or a drug store or even your local department store. By the way you should not be buying a probiotic at the same place you are buying your toilet paper.. just sounds wrong!
So you are at a health food store... you go ask them for Probiotic and they take you to the refrigerator section and show you a probiotic with 30CFU or 50billion CFU. You are probably wondering what in the world is a CFU? its stands for Collonial Fungal Units. Its the amount of good bacteria in the bottle. But one question.. WHY do you need so many???
What this CFU does is that they put all these good bacteria in your stomach and it helps crowd out the bad bacteria. Which is not a bad thing cause well you want it out. BUT it does not address the issue of the yeast overgrowth in your stomach. Its just flushing out the problem.
Well first... they are refrigerated... Our bodies are NOT a fridge. So if its has to in the fridge whats it doing to it when it its our mouths? the temp of our body is WAY warmer than a fridge. Most bacteria begin to activate when they hit the heat and moisture in our mouths. By the time it hits your gut you only get about 20% to 30% bacteria has survived because it takes about 30mins to 90mins to get your gut. Some people pay up to $150 for a good probiotic. you don't need to pay that kind of money for a good probitoic.
Plexus Probio5 doesn't have to be in fridge its freeze dried. And its full of good ingredients!
Because our ingredients are freeze dried it they stay dormant until it hits your gut! It doesn't work until it gets a taste of the PH in your gut.
Bacillus Coagulans is one of the 5 strains of bacteria. This is a bacteria strain that helps with digestive issues. It also helps with your immune system, abdominal pain, respiratory infections, allergies, and it attacks cancer fighting agents (isn't that cool?)
Saccharomyces boulardi is yeast... why would we put yeast in your stomach if we are trying to fight it? well good yeast fights bad yeast... This stuff helps with SKIN ISSUES!! I have heard from people that it has helps with acne, flaky skin, enzyme, hives. So many issues. I have noticed that my acne is not as bad since starting this product.
lactobacillus acidophilus is found in yogurt. However you need eat 21 small tubs of yogurt to match whats in one capsule of probio5. This helps with vaginal health and if you are lactose intolerant.
bifidobacterium longum most good probiotics have this. it helps prevent infections and diseases, helps reduce cholesterol. Helps prevent cancer, reduces inflammation in your bowls and I love this one... bloating!!
lactobacillus plantarum this stuff is found in sour kraut. Well kind of like the yogurt.. you need to eat 20-30 servings a day to get whats in one capsule of our probio. This helps with the intestinal lining which in turns helps with your leaky gut!! This is also recommended for pregnant women. and if you are on an antibiotic this helps fight the antibiotic.
Plexus probio 5 also has vitamin C which helps build you immune system and lowers your hypertension. It has b6 which is know to help with emotional disorders and hormone control and metabolism.
Something else we have is Chitonese that no other probitoic has. You see there is a fungal in your gut that has an outer skin that like a beetle. in order to kill a beetle you need to smash it until the shell is crushed. Chitin breaks the shell and kills the bacteria inside. its really good and really powerful.
I encourage you to research the ingredients in your probiotic and learn about them. Every company is different and offer different ingredients that might help you. If you have any of the issues that have listed above I really encourage you to try a probiotic even if its just for a month or 2. If you are interested in our probiotic please send me a message on facebook I would love to help you out :) Plexus has an amazing probiotic and we have a 60 day money back guarantee. Give it a try you have nothing to lose.